Connecting to flow state

When we are in flow (aka “in the zone”) we are fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in whatever it is that we are doing. We don’t notice the passage of time, we don’t care about what other people think, we don’t have any self criticism or judgement- we are just flowing, enjoying. We become our most adventurous, creative, and productive.

Flow state has the potential to show up when we are engaged in activities that are:

1. Creative
2. Important
3. Inspire growth

Creativity means putting something into the world that could not exist without us. This applies to the obvoious- things like painting, making music, writing, etc. But capitol C Creativity can also mean starting a business, having a conversation (we create dialogue), making a spreadsheet. Each of us has different interests and different things that light us up. Someone who enjoys working with numbers, might get into flow state when doing accounting work. Someone who enjoys personal growth work, might get into flow state when working as a therapist or life coach (yup- talking about myself). Many athletes describe entering flow state when engaged in sport. Whatever it is we “create” so long as it is both important to us and inspires some sort of growth- we have the potential to get into flow.

While sometimes flow is related to a specific hobby/activity, there is such a thing as living in flow. Living in flow means we are in our peak performance state of presence, focus, and fulfillment moment to moment. Living in flow means we are headed in a clear direction that is self motivated from within, and we are so committed, connected, and energized by this place that we attract all kinds of relevant relationships, synchronicities, and opportunities into our lives.

Living in flow is attainable to all of us, and there are ways to intentionally work towards this point. We know that flow state exists within activities that are both creative and important to us. We can use this information to help us make decisions about what we give our energy and attention to. Any responsibilities, commitments, relationships that are not important, and that do not inspire creativity within us- cut them out! Yes, there are things that we all HAVE to do, that do not light us up. For these tasks, we can try to automate them. For the tasks that are creative, but not important- delegate them.

We intentionally create space in our lives for the activities and people that are important and inspire creativity.

The more time we spend in flow state, the more momentum we build to continue living from that place. Creativity sparks more inspiration and creativity.


I work with clients who want to practice living in flow. This is a collaborative, directive, and experiential process.